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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 22(3); 1990 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1990;22(3): 431-440.
Copolang 의 항발암작용 : N , N'-Dimethyl Nitrosamine 에 의한 Hepatic Glutathione S-Transferase P Gene 의 활성화와 신간질 세포증식의 억제
정태호, 김정철, 이인선, 이인수, 김문규
Anticarcinogenic Activity of Copolang : Suppression of N , N'-Dimethyl Nitrosamine - Induced Activation of Hepatic Glutathione S-Transferase
Tai Ho Chung, Jung Chul Kim, In Sun Lee, In Su Lee, Moon Kyu Kim
Dimethylnitrosamine (DMV)-induced renal mesenchymal preneoplastic loci and hepatic glutath- ione S-transferase P (GST-P) gene expression in weanling F344 male rats were used as early carcinogenic biomarkers to evaluate anticarcinogenicity of Copolang. Continuous daily intake of 0. 85 1.1 g Copolangiday/kg b. wt. for 3 weeks immediately following a single intraperitoneal administration of DMN (15, 30 and 60 mg/kg body weight) significantly blocked these DMN-induced biomarkers. The dose response slopes for DMN with or without Copolang treatment (1% Copolang in drinking water) were 0.27 and 0,47, respectively. Copolang treatment significantly inhibited DMN-induced small renal mesechymal cell proliferation, Likewise hepatic GST-P enzyme expression in the lowest DMN dose group (15 mg/kg) and the highest dose (60 mg/kg) was blocked nearly completely. In the highest dose group, multicellular GST-P enzyme loci were not observed in this experimental group, however, there was GST-P positive single cells were observed. On the other hand, in the middle dose group, GST-P histochemical staining was much more diffuse and not as intense. The results of this study demonstrate that Copolang treatment significantly inhibits expression of DMN-induced early carcinogenic biomarkers. A long term whole animal carcinogenic bioassay study is necessary to confirm anticarcinogenic activtiy of Copolang.
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